EOU Fledglings event

EOU Fledglings event

Il GPSO è lieto di partecipare all’organizzazione del secondo meeting dei giovani ornitologi dell’European Ornithologists’ Union che si terrà a Torino dal 26 al 28 ottobre. Uno sconto è riservato per i giovani ornitologi soci GPSO. Per info: http://fledgelings-in-torino.blogspot.com/

Ornithology has moulted!
Wrongly referred to as an out-dated hobby of elderly people,  ornithology nowadays is a vibrant research field connecting global-thinking scholars from all branches of science.
Spread your wings and  witness next-generation ornithology during the Fledgelings Meeting 2018!
26 – 28. 10. 2018
The registration is open until the 31.08.2018 the 30.09.2018!

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